Feel Like You Need a Creativity Boost? Here’s a Few Great Kosher Recipes!

 It’s easy to lose your motivation when all your daily routine has been significantly hampered by the fact that we can’t go out as often as we want to. With that said, some places have begun easing up on restrictions by implementing social distancing measures (If you’re living somewhere with a park, then you might even be able jog and get some fresh air.) Sadly, international travel is still discouraged, and it’ll take a while before you go on Jewish trips and kosher cruises. Plus, half a year of staying indoors can take a toll on your creativity and focus. One good way to shake you up from that inactive funk is by cooking. Making food is a process, one that guarantees a satisfying conclusion to your efforts. Here is an assortment of kosher recipes to get your noggin’ going. 

Fancy Zucchini Roll Ups (Meat) by from the Jewish Hostess

If you want something savory without compromising on good crunchy veggies, this kosher recipe might be right up your alley. There are a variety of meals that are basically meat rolled into pastries, but for a change, why not a vegetable? If you want something new, try this out. 

Sephardic-Style Haroset Bites (Parve, Vegan) by May I Have this Recipe

There’s a variety of great Sephardic or Sephardic-style Jewish food. Some are prepared specifically for certain holidays, while others have an interesting history to them (really, the alheira is a pretty cool sausage that you should read up on, but I digress.) These Haroset bites from Vicky and Ruth might be the sweet snack that you need to get back into your creative state of mind. 

Want to prepare for upcoming kosher touring experiences? Visit KosherRiverCruises.com

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