4 Ways to Determine if Your Food Is Kosher or Not

If you tried a trip aboard kosher cruises, you’ll know that kosher is a Hebrew word meaning proper or fit. The term is used to describe food that has been prepared according to Jewish dietary laws. In English, kosher usually refers to food that conforms to the requirements of Judaism.

If you are considering purchasing Kosher food products, it is important that you know the different ways to determine if your foods are really Kosher. Purchasing Kosher food is significant, as it can be extremely difficult to determine if the product is, in fact, Kosher without taking an in depth look at the label.

The following tips will help you determine if your food is truly Kosher:


The first thing you need to look at is the ingredients on the product label of the item. If there are non-kosher ingredients listed, such as pork or shellfish, then you will have an issue with the item.  You will not be able to determine if an item is kosher based on whether or not it has been cooked or processed on equipment used for non-kosher items. You must check the ingredient list first regardless of where it was made.

If the item has a kosher seal on it, then it is deemed fit for consumption by those who keep kosher.  This is usually found on the back of the package and lists all of the ingredients in order from most to least. Look for any meat or animal byproducts in the ingredients list. If an ingredient is not kosher, it will either be listed as "non-kosher" or will be followed by a dash (-). Non-kosher ingredients are not allowed for use in kosher foods because they may come into contact with non-kosher components during processing.

Kosher Symbol

Kosher foods are often marked with a symbol that looks like two parallel lines with three sets of dots between them. This designates the type of product it is and that symbol can usually be found on the package or on the receipt when you buy it. If your food has that symbol, then you're in luck! What's even better is if there's a label on the package that reads "Kosher." This means your food is certified as such by some organization or rabbi.

If you come across the Star-K symbol on a food packaging, be it a jar of peanut butter or a can of tuna, then you know that the food inside is kosher. The Star-K is an independent kosher certification agency that certifies food products as kosher according to Jewish law (kashrut). The symbol will often be found near the barcode and is placed on all sorts of packaged foods, so if you see it, you know you're good to go.

Any food certified as kosher will come with a small sticker identifying the agency that approved it as kosher. These stickers will either appear directly on the product or on its packaging.

Ask Your Rabbi About the Food

While most restaurants have someone who ensures that the food is prepared in a way that is consistent with Jewish law, it's best to ask questions about how the food was prepared before eating it. If you need to eat kosher but aren't sure about whether a product has been certified, ask your rabbi if it's kosher before you buy it. Your local Orthodox synagogue can also provide you with lists of local retailers and restaurants that sell kosher foods.

Ask about ingredients. Kosher foods contain only kosher ingredients, so if you have concerns about an ingredient listed on a product's label, ask a store clerk or look up its definition online. Don't hesitate to call manufacturers directly and ask about their manufacturing processes and ingredients used in their products.

Check the Nutrition Facts Panel

The nutrition facts panel is located on the side or back of a product's packaging and lists all of the nutrients and calories per serving, including cholesterol content. Kosher foods do not contain cholesterol, so any product that contains cholesterol is not considered kosher. You can find kosher foods aboard kosher river cruises and see their differences with non-kosher counterparts.

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