Why a River Cruise is the best Medium of Traveling

Vacations are some of the greatest pleasures in life. Taking time to relax, have some fun and escape the bustle of your daily life. However, they can be tedious to plan out. Especially for the actual traveling, accommodation and food! Riverboat cruises are convenient because all of that is already planned out for you! Join Kosher river cruise and spice up your kosher holiday or venture onto other fun river cruises on some of the world’s most famous rivers. 


The best advantage of a river cruise is the fantastic convenience. Book one ticket and your whole travel, including accommodation, food and amenities are all provided for. You are traveling in a mini luxury hotel, taking you to some of the most beautiful spots in the world. Make stops at some of the interesting locations, learn about the history and heritage, eat local delicacies and have an all-in-one experience. All your needs, in and out of the boat will be met, making it a convenient mode of vacationing! 

Ambient and Relaxing

Being surrounded by blue spaces is an advantage on its own. Rivers and seas boost relaxation, so traveling on a boat will give you the best relaxing experience. Traverse through lush forests in the Amazonian river, explore the villages and towns of the Mekong river and discover hidden secrets at the Nile River. Learn more about the places you visit, while experiencing their wonders aboard a river cruise boat. 

Save more, Explore more! 

Spend once and you can have an adventure of a lifetime. If you’re looking for a budget-friendly vacation, a riverboat cruise is perfect for you. Explore different locations on one boat, with inclusions such as three daily meals, your own room (No constantly unpacking and packing between trips!) funtastic amenities for everyone to enjoy and splendid services. Not to mention the amazing places you can visit by paying only once! Visit spectacular sights, forests and deserts, dynamic cities and quaint villages, historical areas and so many other locations around the world. 

Five Reasons Why Kosher Travel Should Be High On Your List

Kosher touring is an incredible experience for any Jewish person, and definitely for any foodie. Today, the kosher travel niche is slowly but surely gaining traction. 

Travelers who are on kosher diets are looking for vacations that meet their specific needs. Kosher hotels, resorts, tours and travel packages, as well as kosher restaurants and other boutique businesses within destinations, offer travelers a unique opportunity to explore a destination while staying true to their dietary requirements.

Kosher food is one of the most important parts of Jewish culture and tradition. The laws of kashrut are not only observed at home and in synagogues, but also as a lifestyle for many during their travels. Kosher travel offers many benefits to its participants, including the following:

Enhance Your Experience

Traveling does not have to be limited to the hotel-airport-hotel experience, which is what many people think when they imagine traveling. There is so much more to see and do when you travel with a little creativity and knowledge of your surroundings. This means that if you're traveling somewhere, there is a good chance there will be kosher food available. A vegetarian diet can be healthy if it's done right, though some vegetarians may need to supplement their diets with vitamins or nutrients they might be missing if they did not eat meat. By eating kosher foods on a trip, you can avoid stomach issues due to unfamiliar foods and reduce the risk of getting sick during your travels. Thus you can enjoy your trip and enhance your experience to the next level.

A Great Sense of Community

There are many more kosher restaurants than people might realize. People can enjoy a social aspect to their travels when they travel kosher, as they get to meet others who share the same interests. When you're traveling to unfamiliar places, it's nice to know that there are others in the same situation. You'll always have someone to check with if you need help or advice. It's also nice to be able to talk about your experiences with someone else who understands what you're going through.

Healthy Foods

Kosher food is extremely safe and healthy because it's prepared in a certain way that is in-line with Jewish dietary laws. When traveling with a group, this becomes even more important. The dishes and ingredients used to prepare kosher meals are much healthier than those used in non-kosher establishments. All cooking fat (including oil) used in kosher kitchens must be kosher, which means that it is healthy for you. Kosher rules prohibit the use of artificial flavors, colors, preservatives and additives. 

Getting to Know Your Religion Better

When traveling with other observant Jews, it's easy to learn about Judaism and understand it on a deeper level. Traveling around the world and experiencing different cultures from a Jewish perspective adds another level of appreciation for the religion.

Eating at Kosher Restaurants Offers a Good Value

Kosher restaurants are well known for offering high quality meals at reasonable prices. Oftentimes people can find meals that exceed their expectations, even if they're on a budget. The best part of having a glatt kosher tour is not only to enjoy the trip but to have a healthy lifestyle as well.

Reasons To Take Kosher Tours

Tours are designed to provide meaningful travel experiences and this can be achieved in many ways. Taking a kosher tour means that you are traveling with a group of like-minded people, which in itself is often considered a benefit. There is strength in numbers and there are added conveniences when traveling with others.

Kosher tours are a great way to see the world. Not only do you get to visit places that are known for their natural beauty and culture, but you can also be sure that everything you eat will adhere to the kosher laws.

A kosher tour is a guided tour where the meals conform to Jewish dietary laws. Kosher means "fit" or "proper" and connotes that the food is in accordance with Jewish dietary law, which forbids the consumption of non-kosher foods such as pork, shellfish, and certain other animals. If you are interested in learning more about your Jewish roots, kosher tours offer a great way to learn more about history, culture and traditions.

Kosher Food

It's a given that kosher food is prepared in accordance with Jewish dietary laws, but did you know that kosher food is also free of many common allergens? Many people don't realize that kosher food is often free of milk, eggs, peanuts, sesame seeds, tree nuts and shellfish – all common allergens! When you eat kosher food on your travels, you have the peace of mind that comes from knowing exactly what's in your meals.

Kosher foods are healthy, they contain more nutrients than other foods on the market today. Since these foods do not contain meat or dairy, they cannot be contaminated with dangerous bacteria like listeria and E-coli. A study done by Cornell University found that organic fruits and vegetables had a higher concentration of nutrients than non-organic produce. Therefore, organic kosher food contains even more nutrients than organic non-kosher foods; making them healthier for you.

The People

Kosher tours attract Jewish travelers, people who share your cultural background and religious beliefs. A kosher tour is geared towards kosher-keeping travelers, after all. You'll also be able to enjoy learning about others as well as sharing your own culture with them!

Kosher Friendly' Destinations

Kosher tours often include destinations that are specifically accommodating the needs of Jewish travelers. For example, many hotels have Shabbat services, and there will be no pork products served in restaurants, which may have separate vegetarian menus.

Kosher Tours Are Educational

Going on a kosher tour is a great way to learn about different cultures. You will learn about the food, history, art, music and architecture of different countries. These tours are very informative and help you learn about other parts of the world without having to travel there on your own.

Kosher travel has become more and more popular in the last few years. It's not something that most people think of when they plan a vacation, but there are quite a few advantages to kosher travel.

Whether you are looking to spend quality time with your family on a kosher holiday or looking for a once in a lifetime trip with friends, kosher tours are the way to go.

Reasons Why You Should Take A Kosher Cruise

 Kosher cruises are the best way to spend your kosher vacations. It's a good way to have tons of fun and enjoy your time in an incredible setting. Cruises are known to be luxurious, but kosher cruises take that luxury up a notch by making sure everyone is satisfied with their meals.

With the amount of cruises that are being offered on a yearly basis, it's no surprise that people are beginning to wonder what kosher cruises are, and just how they differ from others. With the right information and a little bit of research, you can find yourself on a kosher cruise in no time, enjoying all the perks and luxuries that come along with them.

Traveling with Kosher cruises is an halachically-observant way to travel. There are many benefits to traveling with a Kosher Cruise:

Kosher Cuisine

Passengers are able to enjoy delicious kosher meals prepared under strict rabbinic supervision. The chefs are well trained in servicing the needs of the Jewish passengers and the choices available for dining are very satisfying and appetizing.

Kosher food is usually prepared with fresh ingredients and cooked in healthy oils such as olive oil and canola oil. This makes it healthier than most other types of food found on ships. It is made without any preservatives or artificial flavors. It's not processed or frozen and it's almost always served fresh from the kitchen. As a matter of fact, kosher meals are known to be tastier too! Most major cruise lines have started preparing their meals using organic fruits and vegetables, making the kosher meals healthier than ever before.

Kosher meals are prepared in accordance with Jewish dietary laws, including the use of separate utensils for dairy and meat products and supervision by a rabbi.

Sabbath Mode

Many cruises offer different activities for those who wish to rest on Shabbat, such as lectures and classes for enrichment activities, and movies or dancing in the evening. Some cruises even have special Shabbat dinners with live entertainment.

Comfortable Environment

Kosher cruise ships are comfortable environments to enjoy a vacation in. There will be people from all over the world aboard the ship, but you may feel like you're with all members of your own family since everyone will share a common bond: their religion and values. It will be easy to strike up conversations with other passengers who might even become friends for life.

Variety Of Entertainment Options

For those who like to stay active, there are plenty of ways to stay busy on a kosher cruise line. The majority of cruise lines offer a wide range of activities such as pool games and contests, bingo nights, fitness classes, dance lessons and shuffleboard tournaments. Most cruises also feature live music or nightly shows at the theater venue. Some even have sports courts where one can play basketball or volleyball during free time.

If you haven’t tried any kosher travel but feel that it fits your plans then look no further than this. It is a once in a lifetime experience so be sure to consider this kind of trip on your next glatt kosher holidays.

What to expect at Valparaiso — The Jewel of the Pacific

The city of Valparaiso is the second largest seaport city in Chile. The name literally means Paradise Valley, and it does indeed live up to its title. The historic quarter of the city was designated a UNESCO World Heritage site in 2003, a testament to its beauty. The city is blooming with vibrant buildings, street art and culinary magnificence. If Jewish cruises weren’t on your mind for a vacation, consider visiting this underrated destination. 

Here Are Some Things You Can Do and Places You May Visit as Soon as You Drop in the City.

Exploring the Streets 

A little vague to just explore random streets, however, the roads and buildings are all covered in colorful art. The buildings themselves are colorful, so take pictures anywhere and it’ll turn out great. The historic center of Valparaíso is covered in art illustrations and murals that bring the city alive. Grab your camera, maybe a can of spray paint and start exploring this colorful city.

Take a Ride on the Funiculars 

The city is built upon hills, which can be traveled by foot or you can have a fun ride on the Funiculars. There are 16 extant historical elevators around the city, which allow citizens to travel up and down the hills. They carry a lot of history, since they have been used since the 20th century. Some of them have fallen into disrepair, however, you can still find working ones to ride. Take the elevator up a hill for a small price and experience a fun up-hill elevator adventure. 

Visit the Playa Laguna Verde

A vacation isn’t complete without a beach trip! Playa Laguna Verde is a beach south of Valparaiso that consists of a beautiful green lagoon, thus its name is Laguna Verde. The long stretches of sand and towering cliffs overlooking the beach are worth visiting. Relax and savor the calm and tranquil atmosphere at this beautiful beach. 

The Flower Clock

If you can’t tell the time, visit the fully functioning flower clock at Viña del Mar, Valparaíso. This vibrant flora art piece was built for the World Cup 1962. The bright bed of flowers does have the arms of the clock built above it, and accurately tells you the time. Different species of flowers make up this iconic floral art piece. Make sure to visit the flower clock in Valparaiso. 

4 Healthy and Tasty Kosher Vegetable Recipes

There are many vegetable kosher recipes out there, plenty of healthy plant-focused dishes for you to prepare and savor during your days indoors. Here are a few of them that you might like. 

Coconut Curry Tofu from Kathy Collins (via All Recipes)

You can find plenty of vegan or vegetarian recipes that are wholly kosher online, or almost kosher to the point that you can make minimal adjustments to make it so. That’s the beauty of vegetable-based cooking, which usually avoids all kinds of animals in their ingredient lists. Coconut milk is a great recipe for sweet and savory dishes. In this case, it’s wonderful for a curry tofu dish. 

Get the recipe here: https://www.allrecipes.com/recipe/45688/coconut-curry-tofu/ 

The Jewish Kitchen presents Oven Roasted Vegetables

Sometimes, we crave for something aesthetically-ornate and fancy, but other times we crave a simple yet ultimately delicious dish. A plant-focused meal is sure to delight and nourish you, especially one that’s quick to craft and prepare quickly. Oven-roasted meals have a certain charm to them, a kind of unique cuisine that you might not eat on Glatt Kosher vacations

Get the recipe here: https://thejewishkitchen.com/oven-roasted-vegetables/ 

Giora Shimoni’s Vegetable Kugel (via the Spruce Eats)

Kugel is a classical pudding dish found in Europe, an egg noodle or potato-based casserole crafted by Ashkenazi Jews in antiquity. It has a hearty and creamy flavor that you can customize to your liking, using any manner of ingredient to spice it up. Are you looking for a vegetable-focused version of such a wonderful casserole dish? 

Get this tasty vegetable kugel recipe here:

Tori Avey’s Stovetop Tzimmes

Tzimmes are also an Asheknazi delight, made using root vegetables that give this dish a hearty and exciting flavor. You might have savored tzimmes before on your previous kosher tours, but while you’re at home, you might as well savor them now. 

Get the recipe here: https://toriavey.com/toris-kitchen/stovetop-tzimmes/ 

A Kosher River Cruise Should Be in Your Bucket List and Here’s Why

A luxury cruise is surely exciting, but a cruise that embodies your heritage while offering an all-inclusive deluxe experience is even better.

Kosher River Cruise is the only All-Kosher Jewish Cruise with a capacity of 50 passengers. This inclusive cruise features special 5-Star Gourmet cuisine specifically suited for all matters of Kashrut cuisine. 

What a Kosher River Cruise Offers

The Kosher River Cruise has luxurious accommodations with add-on amenities, excursions, activities and drinks. You can expect no less in terms of quality. They also have an exceptional staff who are well trained and ready to provide you with the best service. 

Kosher Food 

In line with the good services, they also have an amazing and exclusive array of Kosher meals! The kitchen will be handled and led by Chef Malcolm Green for the best quality Kosher food. Their menu items will surely satisfy your cravings, but in case you want more options, the chefs are ready to take specialized orders for specific diets and restrictions. 

What Does a Kosher River Cruise Do Differently?

Aside from the amazing kosher food, a luxury cruise will always have shore excursions that will allow travelers to enjoy the sights and local cuisine. 

Guest speakers such as Dr. Henry Abramson will also be present to talk about Jewish heritage and history. Education programs were tailored to guide and give the guests an entertaining and in-depth view of Jewish heritage and culture. 

Visits to memorials and monuments were also conducted which has a prominent significance to Jewish communities, while also visiting memorials for fallen WW-II veterans. 

Other activities include bus rides, tours, hiking, sing-a-longs, and religious programming, all included with available variations. 

Why You Should Join a Kosher River Cruise

The Kosher River Cruise experience will be an exciting spiritual and luxurious adventure that travellers will enjoy and definitely learn a lot from. 

Kosher Cheese Recipes for Your Daily Dairy Meals

From sweet desserts to savory snacks, cheese is a wonderful ingredient. Whether you’re enjoying a humble cheesy meal indoors or dining on exquisite kosher cuisine on kosher vacations, a cheese-based meal is one that’s bound to be memorable. Here are some cheesy recipes for you to enjoy. 

 Barbara Rolek Presents Cheese Blintzes (via the Spruce Eats)

Blintzes are Ashkenazi sweet treats similar to the crepe, a kind of soft and creamy dessert filled with cheese. They are similar to pancakes but dissimilar in presentation and flavor, with the fluffiness and flavor providing a comfortable and memorable experience to whoever prepares and makes them. You might have even savored this dessert on your previous Glatt Kosher holidays, and you might even enjoy it in a future expedition. 

But right now, you can enjoy this classical Ashkenazi delight here:

The Jewish Vegan Presents a Plant-Based Kosher for Passover Mac n’ Cheese

Sometimes a cheese-based meal doesn’t have to use milk. Vegan food enthusiasts are quite creative with their experimentation in culinary artistry, producing wholly plant-based renditions of dishes that usually contain meat, dairy or seafood. The result is a huge catalogue of pareve food options that you can pair with any of your dinners, but we digress. If you’ve ever wanted to experience mac n’ cheese in a new light, now’s your chance. 

Get this recipe here:

Samantha of Pass the Challah’s Cheesy Sheet Pan Salmon (Via The Kosher Guru)

Fish is a great parave meal option for when you want something filling to accompany your meat or dairy dishes. Salmon in particular has a richness to it that makes it blend well with different kinds of ingredients, from herbs to cheese. This pan salmon recipe utilizes cheese and salmon together in an unforgettable dish. 

Get it here:

3 Extravagant Kosher Dinner Recipes for an Exquisite Evening

 There are some great meals you can make for dinner using kosher recipes, but I’m not talking about classical recipes like lokshen kugel or chopped liver. I’m talking about extravagant dishes that can be made for special occasions or fancy nights with the family.

A kosher dinner should be rich in flavor and shouldn’t hit you the wrong way. Sometimes you might feel that Jewish vacation itch that you can’t just satisfy with an outdoorsy adventure right away. Sometimes, you have to improvise and provide a great and exciting experience at home. That’s where the extravagant and delicious kosher dinner recipes come in. 

Let me introduce you to some of the delicious kosher dinner recipes without taking too much of your time! Let me drop the best dinner feast with these awesomely awesome kosher dinner recipes! What are you waiting for? Let’s get started…

Kosher Braciole by Jamie Geller (Meat Recipe)

Braciole is a kind of rolled steak, made from meat slices that are pounded and shaped in a way that enhances their flavor. This Italian delight is a luxurious but practical meat dish option made available with a kosher twist. This particular recipe has the hallmarks of an unforgettable dinner, with a hint of spice and a touch of wine to its composition. 

Get the recipe here: https://jamiegeller.com/recipes/kosher-braciole-rolled-steak/ 

Sonya Sanford’s Matzah Mac and Cheese via My Jewish Learning (Dairy Recipe)

With the wide usage of matzah during Pesach, there have been plenty of kosher recipes produced that incorporate this particular meal. From sweet meals to savory delights, matzah recipes have become more accessible with the advent of the internet. This Mac and Cheese incorporates matzah in its composition, creating a delightful and oh-so cheesy dinner meal. 

Get it here: https://www.myjewishlearning.com/the-nosher/matzah-mac-cheese-recipe/ 

Eileen Goltz’s Tomato and Onion Pizza via OU Kosher (Pareve recipe)

When you can’t decide between meat or dairy, or if you want something a little extra to complement your meat or dairy-based recipes, you get something pareve. However, a wholly pareve pizza is already a meal all on its own. This tasty recipe will make you think that you’re going on a Kosher tour through Italy

Get it here: https://oukosher.org/recipes/tomato-and-onion-pizza-pareve/ 

Why is the Douro River a Great Place for a Jewish Vacation

Everyone deserves a vacation. Whether you’re going away for business or pleasure, you need a break from obligations and some time to relax. Though there are many types of vacations out there, and Jewish vacations are especially fun for Jewish travelers who want an immersive travel experience, one with tasty kosher cuisine. The most common places people imagine when considering a vacation are well-known (Paris, the Bahamas, etc.) While there’s no doubt that they’re some of the best places for travel, there are other locales that are fit for Jewish travelers. One of them is the Douro River. 

What is the Douro River?

The Douro River is a winding waterway in the northwestern parts of Portugal in the Iberian Peninsula. The centerpiece of the lovely Douro Wine Region, this river nourishes and supports the various vineyards and towns that lie beside its banks. 

What’s so Great About the Douro River?

Amiable Weather: The Douro River is known for its temperate weather, and in the best months it is quite relaxing and cozy for a trip.

Great Wine: It is a wine region, after all. Kick back and relax with a glass of great port wine while visiting this easygoing locale. 

Wonderful Sights: From the vineyards that scale hills to the quaint little towns full of quiet but impactful sights, the Douro Valley has no shortage of unforgettable views and Instagram-worthy destinations. 

Why Go on a Glatt Kosher Vacation Through the Douro Valley?

Rich in Heritage: Portugal is rich in Jewish history, and the Douro Valley itself is home to a variety of buildings, relics and other reminders of Sephardic Jewish culture. There’s a lot that you can discover on a trip through this river. 

Comfortable Trips: There’s a lot of places in the Iberian Peninsula that are worth visiting when it comes to Jewish heritage tours, but the Douro let’s you do it in style. A river cruise through this wine region allows you to explore your heritage in the comforts of a mobile.

Great Food: A Glatt Kosher vacation is great when it's directly through a locale that’s full of Jewish history, because it makes the kosher cuisine all the more exquisite. What a better venue for a food trip than a place where you can also feed your mind with great history. 

3 Tasty Kosher Fish Recipes for your Autumn Dinners

Most seafoods are not kosher, from clams to shrimps to crustaceans. Due to seaside cultures and abundant natural resources, a lot of different cuisines from other countries incorporate seafood, some of which cannot be eaten by a kosher-compliant traveler. However, journeys facilitated by Glatt Kosher tour cruises lets you savor such cuisine without any non-kosher ingredients. Fish is also a kosher seafood, and in a time when vacation plans are being finalized, kosher seafood looks appealing for a future kosher food trip. 

Fish is a parent ingredient in a lot of classical Jewish cuisine. The fact that it can be paired with meat or dairy allows it to fill certain mealtime niches, when the primary meal is either meat or dairy-based. As such, the versatility of fish-based cuisine is astounding. Here are a few delicious kosher recipes for you to enjoy. 

Joan Nathan’s Classic Gefilte Fish Recipe (via Epicurious)

Gefilte Fish is a lot like a beef sausage. Well, maybe in how both of them are forcemeats made from the ground meats of their respective animals, but beyond that they’re actually a bit different, but we digress. Gefilte fish is a classical Ashkenazi cuisine, a cool meal for any occasion.

Kosher Fish and Chips by Brynie Greisman (via Kosher.com)

Fish and Chips is an English dish, one that combines the soft textures of fish with the crunchiness of potatoes. This lovely meal is enjoyed in pubs, restaurants, piers and households all over the world. Really, the concept of combining a common dockside catch with some chewy fries is a brilliant one, a kind of meal that exemplifies a sort of laid-back vibe that many of us haven’t felt in a long while.

Kosher Tuna Melt Sandwich via the Jewish Kitchen

Some of the things that we miss on our previous Jewish cruises are the sandwiches. Sandwiches are usually meals of convenience, a packed snack that’s portable and easy to sink your teeth into. Sandwiches served in restaurants are quite delightful and quant in their presentation, and this particular recipe reminds us of such great luxuries.


When you plan on going on expeditions or Jewish trips, one thing that you shouldn’t forget to pack is the travel snack. Whether it’s a more sophisticated meal for less-extensive trips (such as park visits) or hearty meals for long expeditions (such as hiking trips), snacks are necessary sources of nutrition for when you walk long distances. When it’s safe for you to travel again, try out these kosher snack foods on the go. 

Delightful Soft Pretzels by Nitra Ladies Auxiliary (via Kosher.com)

One thing that we’d love to do when going on a road trip, national park tour or river cruise is to sink our teeths into something soft and chewy. Sure, trail mixes and other such salty snack foods are nourishing, but when you’re craving for an easy snack, hard food might not cut it. That’s why these soft pretzels are an enticing option for your future adventures. 

Get the recipe here: https://www.kosher.com/recipe/soft-pretzels-5787 

Cheese and Spinach Bourekas by Master Chef (via Epicurus.com)

The bureka is a traditional pastry that can be stuffed in a variety of ways. It can be meaty, dairy-based or wholly parve, depending on how you prepare it. You can also prepare it in ways that allow for easy packing and later consumption. This cheesy spinach bourekas look stunning, and you can modify them in a way that lets you use them for trips. 

Get the recipe here: https://www.epicurus.com/food/recipes/bourekas-stuffed-with-cheese-and-spinach/2637/ 

Tori Avey’s Peanut Butter Honey Truffles

Whenever we travel, we can sometimes feel the urge to eat something sugary. This craving might lead you to buy extra sweet foods from the souvenir places or the local eateries. However, if you want something quick and light to chow on when you have these cravings, these peanut butter honey truffles might be to your liking.

Get the recipe here: https://toriavey.com/toris-kitchen/peanut-butter-honey-truffles/ 

Interested in more news regarding Glatt Kosher Vacations? Visit us at kosherrrivercruises.com.

Health and Safety Protocols to Follow Aboard a River Cruise

The world is currently in a race to vaccinate and keep our populations protected from COVID-19. The more we do this, the closer we get to enjoy our Jewish vacations like before.

However, it’s difficult to shake off our anxiety when going out, even with the lifted restrictions today. We’ve been socially distant for more than a year, so we all completely understand how that feels. But for some, a week-long getaway can be just beneficial for the mind and body during these challenging times. If this is the case for you, there’s good news! There are travel services and glatt kosher vacation cruises that are prepared to welcome you satiate your wanderlust, but still have your safety in mind.. By the time you’re ready, there are a few safety measures you can implement to keep yourself and others safe and healthy while traveling on a river cruise.

Submit to Health and Travel Declaration Requirements

If you are a passenger of a river cruise, you will be provided with a set of documents that contain health and travel declarations. The purpose of these documents is to monitor the condition of passengers as they go aboard and prepare for the trip. You should answer all the questions that are posed by the cruise line staff. It is your responsibility to ensure that you fill them out in full and honestly, providing all requested information. Make sure that you also provide details on all medications or medical conditions that you have so that appropriate care can be given.

Sanitize When Entering Public Spaces

It’s easy to forget to sanitize, but if you’re going on a trip you should take this action seriously. Why? You’ll be hopping from one location to another and you’ll never know what kinds of microbes that you can come in contact with from touching surfaces. While they do disinfect frequent touchpoints at the cruise such as doorknobs and handrails, we recommend that guests sanitize their hands when entering public spaces, before each meal, and when climbing back on board. Hand sanitizers and handwashing stations are available inconspicuous areas on the ship.

Use Contactless Payment Methods

Contactless payments are by far the safest way to pay for things if they are available to use. As a tourist, you’ll be encouraged to use contactless payment methods (such as credit cards or phone cards) by your river cruise company to avoid the potential of having to touch actual money, which can be a carrier of unknown pathogens. Before setting off on your cruise river vacation, ensure you have a contactless card or banking apps with you. 

Maintain Healthy Eating and Adequate Sleep

Yes, you’re on vacation, and nothing can stop you from having fun, right? Nothing, except when you get sick! It’s great to enjoy the holidays when you’re also feeling amazing with your body. Be aware of your food choices and catch up with your sleep. If you take medications and supplements, don’t forget to take them, too!

At Kosher River Cruises we have prepared all necessary arrangements for your safety and peace of mind once we're up and cruising again. Learn more on how we keep your travel experience safe at https://kosherrivercruise.com/health-safety-covid-19-protocols/.

Pasta Recipes, Kosher-Style!

During the pandemic, we had to deal with staying indoors and being updated with the news for our safety. The challenge is how do we become productive while being safe in our homes? Aside from doing chores such as cleaning up, you can also cook up a few recipes to lessen the hunger, and at the same time keep yourself healthy.

We miss traveling but we can have a taste of travel when creating pasta recipes, Kosher-style! Check out the dishes that you can serve to your family or to yourself while being indoors

Pesto Pasta Salad

Many Kosher tours would include this delicious green sauce in their dishes. The Pesto Pasta Salad is a great starter that you will surely enjoy.

Tomato Meat Sauce Pasta 

Pastas have many varieties, one of them is the surprisingly healthy tomato-meat sauce pasta. You can put it over your pasta and even on rice! 

Roasted Veggie Pasta

The smell of earthy and sweet roasted veggie pasta will test your ability to resist another bite! It is both flexible and fun to make by yourself or with children. Toss a few herbs and even cheese after, and the dish is ready to be served. 

Northern Italy: A Must-Go for Jewish Cruise

This is one of the places where you can find 51 World Heritage Sites, Northern Italy! Many people visit this area in Europe due to its romantic vibes and legendary landmarks. Check out some of the places when you’re planning your next Jewish Cruise in Europe:

Piedmont: Wine and Dine

Aside from pizza, Italy is also associated with wine. Try getting a legitimate tour agency to aid you in your adventures in Northern Italy.

In Piedmont, the scenes such as vineyards and villages and cafes make the long walks less tiring and more memorable. Trying out the numerous varieties of wine is worth the trip.

Padua: Oldest Jewish Community

Padua is known to have its oldest Jewish Community. It is also the home of the first botanical garden in Europe, and an Italian Synagogue that has been there since the 16th century!

Burano and Torcello: Sail Away!

If you are looking for a background that you want to post in the internet, look no more! Burano is filled with colorful houses and villages along ‘Rio della Guidecca’ and ‘Rio del Pontinello’. Torcello has many attractions such as the 12th century church of Santa Fosca, and two 14th century palaces ‘Palazzo del Consiglio’ and ‘Palazzo dell’Archivio’

Jewish Tour in France: Where To Go?

When the Jews were trying to survive back in World War II, they went to France. There are half a million Jews in France, and that makes the country part of the Top 5 Largest Jewish Communities in the world. France provided equal rights to Jews and they are the first in Europe to do so. 

This is why when you are planning for your next Kosher Tours, check out this beautiful country that is full of Jewish Sites, Culture, and History.

These are some of the sites to when you step foot in France:

  • Grande synagogue de Lyon (Lyon): Built in 1864, the building was a place of worship and is classified as a historic monument on 1984.

  • Judeo-Comtadin Museum (Cavaillon): A French National Monument built in the 15th century. The synagogue used to be an Italian Building centuries ago.

  • Musee de Petit Palais (Avignon): You can find galleries of paintings dated from 13th to 15th century.

  • The Palace of the Popes (Avignon): This UNESCO World Heritage site was built during the 14th century.

You can find art almost everywhere, from museums to the very streets, even the Kosher meals and dishes feels like you can almost ‘taste’ art. France is full of beautiful artworks and Jewish heritage sites, so when you’re planning your next Kosher trip, take a look at France and you will be amazed and satisfied with what you will see and find.

Why Visit Danube on a Future Kosher Europe Tour?

Europe is utterly suffused with Jewish history, from wondrous triumphs to sobering tragedies. Because of the vast size and scale of the continent, Jewish history in Europe has spread far and wide, touching and interacting with the histories of various other parts of the world. 

Jewish travel tours through Europe seek to explore these locales and histories, but some parts of Europe have higher concentrations of contexts and histories compared to others. The Danube River, for example, is a beautiful waterway that touches upon several sites in Europe, places with deep ties to Jewish history. Here are a few other reasons why you should visit the Danube in your future kosher Europe tours. 

Multiple Vacations in One

The Danube River winds through the central parts of Europe, passing through several illustrious nations along the way. If you ever wanted to visit multiple countries in a single trip but had no idea how to do so, this is your chance. Think about it. Four capital cities on the banks of the Danube, with a larger number of countries to visit and explore. A trip through the Danube is a package deal in itself. 

Access to Delicious Food

Of course, when you travel through the Danube, you have to be on a riverboat, and you’ve got great kosher cruise options available in that regard. One of the most fabulous things that you could ask for in a vacation is a menu that provides delicious and unforgettable kosher cuisine options. A kosher riverboat tour of the Danube is guaranteed to give your palate some delicious kosher meals, all while you admire the splendor of the waters and the urban beauty of the cities. 

A Tour of Jewish Heritage

From Bratislava to Budapest, Jewish history and heritage can be found in the major cities and towns that stand along the Danube. It’s an experience both admirable and sobering. On one hand, you have preserved synagogues detailing the enduring history of Jewish residents. On the other hand, you have monuments remembering the tragedies of the Jewish people in Europe long ago, such as the Shoes on the Danube Bank.

 If you want to experience the breadth and depth of the ages in your trip, you can tour on the Danube through a river cruise! Visit kosherrivercruise.com

Do You Recognize These Kosher Symbols?

Kosher symbols can be difficult to spot on a food label, and may even appear in non-obvious places. For the most part, kosher symbols are simple to identify. On your kosher cruise, however, you may run into one occasionally that you might not recognize.

Before we get to know them, it's first important to understand what kosher foods are. Koshering is a process through which a rabbi supervises the preparation of meat and dairy products, and supervises the preparation of a group of people before it’s declared as hechsher (kosher certified). It has a lot of complicated rules and labeling, with numerous kosher certification agencies all over the world using different symbols. As of now, the most common labeling is from Orthodox Union.

Here is a list of common kosher symbols that you might run into on your next Jewish travel expedition.

OU - if you see this label on a food product, it is labeled as kosher pareve. This means it contains no meat and no dairy, not even its derivatives.

OU-D - indicates a kosher dairy product. It contains dairy ingredients or dairy derivatives.

OU-DE - this means that the product may not be necessarily dairy, but was processed on the same equipment processed with dairy.

OU-M - can also be substituted with the OU-Glatt symbol. This refers to kosher meat/dairy-free meat. Watch out for this symbol if you’re vegan.

OUT-OF- this symbol indicates a kosher product with fish ingredients.

OU-P - means that this product is kosher for Passover.

There are still a lot more symbols to look out for, but these are the common ones you can find. For a complete list of symbols, you may check these kashrut agencies.

3 Delightful Milk-Based Kosher Recipes for Summertime

Summer is right on its way, and you know what that means: amazing new recipes. After the melancholy of winter and the calm of spring, the summertime can really spark your creativity when it comes to culinary matters. Kosher tours might have tasty dishes, but you’re not on a kosher tour yet, so why not make something tasty now! Really, Summer is the perfect time of year to lighten up the house and cook some delectable delights. What will you make? How do you go about it? The answer is simple - with creativity! To make things simple, let’s narrow the scope of your kosher meals to milk-based foods. Here are some delicious kosher dairy recipes for the summer days ahead. 

Miri Rotkovitz’s Dairy Spinach Lasagna (via The Spruce Eats)

There’s a lot of kosher lasagna options online, from meaty dishes to cheesy delights. This particular spinach lasagna recipe uses the natural creamy goodness with the unique taste of spinach, a combination that’s bound to give your taste buds a trip through a river of flavor. 

Getting hungry? Fret not, here’s the recipe!

Potato Cheese Casserole via OU Kosher

Potatoes are just one of those absolutely filling veggies that we enjoy in meat, dairy and even parve dishes. From shepherd’s pies to casseroles, potatoes are an essential ingredient in many delicious kosher dishes. Speaking of casserole, have you ever wanted a cheesy and filling meal for your summer weekends? Feast your eyes on this potato cheese casserole recipe, a creamy and unforgettable delight that’s bound to satisfy you.

Leah Koenig’s Creamy Malabi Recipe (via My Jewish Learning)

There’s a lot of exquisite dessert options to be discovered in the various culinary cultures of the world. Because the Jewish people have traveled far and wide, encountering different cultures and living alongside them, such culinary cuisines can sometimes be made kosher and enjoyed by the local community. Like seasoning, other cultures affect kosher cuisine, such as the malabi. This lovely pudding has the scent of flowers and the creamy taste of vanilla, a comfy dessert for any summer occasion. 

Kosher Tour Destinations in Portugal

 The Iberian Peninsula is a place in Europe where many things meld together. As a crossroads of sorts, Iberia is where the cultures of Africa and Europe meshed, and the three Abrahamic faiths collided on almost equal footing. As such, the countries of the Iberian Peninsula, namely Spain and Portugal, are places rich in Jewish history and heritage. That’s why they’re the sight of many kosher tours in the past.

In the near future, when it’s safe for you to travel again, why not check out some of the great cities that the Iberian Peninsula has to offer? Let’s begin with Portugal. A European nation of even temperatures and complex histories, Portugal is a premier destination for many Jewish travelers interested in finding out about their history. Here are some great and fascinating cities to watch out for in Portugal


The capital city of Lisbon is an old and much-respected hub of commerce and industry. This city is full of ancient and eye-catching architecture, from both Christian and Muslim sources. In addition, its fascinating history is entwined with that of the Sephardic Jewish people, both good and bad. If you want a good start to your journey, consider Lisbon. 


Porto is an exquisite city, the second-largest in Portugal. It is a hub of trade and a place of heritage, one that sits on the banks of the wondrous Douro River, a favored destination for kosher river cruises. This locale is well known for its port wine, along with the aforementioned places of heritage. It’s also home to a variety of significant and historically important synagogues, such as the Kadoorie Synagogue. 


The quaint destination of Belmonte is the home of a group of Crypto-Jews in Portugal, known as the Belmonte Jews. Ever since the cruel enactment of forced conversions in Iberia, the Belmonte Jews have hidden from the rest of the world by becoming an insular community that hid their Judaistic faith from outsiders. It was in the early 20th century that they were rediscovered by Samuel Schwarz, and they would later reveal themselves to the wider global Jewish community in later years. 

Sights to See on a Glatt Kosher Cruise through the Douro Valley

 The Douro Valley, in Northwest Portugal, is the ultimate destination for those who want to discover not only the country’s rich history but also its magnificent wine. In this case, there’s also a refreshing twist – the entire experience of touring the Douro Valley can be explored aboard a Glatt Kosher cruise. Here’s what you can expect:

Delicious Wine

The Douro Valley is a premiere wine region in Portugal. Home to a variety of vineyards and wine making facilities, this wondrous locale is sure to bring out your inner wine connoisseur. With the advent of Jewish travel tours in the Iberian Peninsula, you can also be assured to have great kosher wine options along the way!

Beautiful Weather

We’re all yearning for a chance to bask in the sunshine of other places, so why not the Douro? The way the light reflects against the waters of the riverway is nothing short of majestic. The temperate climate of the valley during peak travel months is also something that you shouldn’t miss. 

Rich Jewish History

The Douro Valley is not without its long history, as evident in its Museu de Doro. However, it is also the home of Sephardi Jewish heritage, from Visigothic to Muslim to post-Expulsion times. Places like Lamego, Belmonte and even the great city of Porto are full of rich Jewish heritage. If there’s any place that’s perfect for an educational kosher river cruise, it’s the Douro. 

Anyone who has been to Portugal knows that the Portuguese have a lot of pride in their tradition and preserving their history, but they also have great cuisine (and wine). One thing many people don’t realize is that a good number of their food is very kosher-approved, so finding kosher food in Portugal should be no problem. If you want a travel cruise experience along the Douro River, contact Kosher River Cruises! 

Middle Eastern Kosher Recipes for Warmer Times

Can you feel the cold receding, the warmth returning, and the good vibes reverberating in the coming spring air? Well, we know we do! Celebrate the coming clean days with some festive food and great indoor events. Who says that you have to rely on constant exposure to technology to be happy (which is quite ironic, because you’re reading this through your phone.) Regardless, taking a break from the digital world to work on your physical hobbies like gardening, painting or even preparing dishes can be quite relaxing. 

Anticipate your future kosher Europe tours by exploring the physical world around you right now. There’s a lot of negativity in the internet these days, so savoring great meals and spending time with the family can do wonders in the long run. 

Why don’t we try something exciting and unexpected for dinner? for example, the Middle East is the birth of many great pieces of cuisine.With the world still reeling from the coronavirus, why not instead try some tasty Middle Eastern kosher cuisine while you’re at home? 

Lahmacun Turkish Pizza  by Samantha Ferraro via My Jewish Learning (Beef)

While pizza is often associated with Italy, there are other parts of the world that have perfected their own pizza-esque pastry delights. Take the Lahmacun, for example, a Middle Eastern flatbread dish with delicious ingredients like red pepper, cumin and tomatoes. 

Savor its unique taste here:

Falafel by Tori Avey

Falafel is a well-known Middle Eastern dish, a balled fritter made of chickpeas and other flavorful ingredients that can be found easily in Israel. With spices and herbs and a fast way to prepare them, falafels are common enough to serve as quick bites for busy people. You might even be interested in bringing a few portable ones on your future kosher cruises

For that, check out this recipe:

Another Round of Tasty Pareve Kosher Recipes!

When you’re on Glatt kosher holidays, you can expect to dine on delightful kosher cuisine as you explore the world and all its wonders. With the world at the moment still recovering from the pandemic, great kosher cuisine has to be experienced at home, whether you’re cooking for yourself and your family or you’re supporting a local kosher bistro by ordering from them.  Being versatile and dynamic with your food recipes can really spice up your indoor culinary life. One of the best ways to do this is to try gathering a lot of pareve recipes online. Since you can pair your pareve recipes with meat or dairy dishes, you don’t have to worry too much about when you can serve them, since they work well with either. Here are some delicious pareve recipes that you might like. 

Vegan Falafel Burgers from BBC Good Food

Ah, vegan food. Most plant-based dishes are quite kosher, as its basic ingredients has no prohibited products in their ingredients. Take this delicious vegan falafel burger recipe, for example. It has all the great textures and flavors of a burger, with a Middle-Eastern taste and a healthy green composition! 

Get the recipe here: 

Tori Avey’s Mediterranean Sardine Lemon Pasta

Pasta is a great canvas for new and exciting kosher recipes, from aglio olio to rich lasagna. In this case, pasta is used to create this delightful Mediterranean sardine dish, along with capers and chilli flakes. While we have to wait a bit longer before we can go on Jewish travels regularly, you can savor the cuisine of other places at home. 

Check the recipe out here: 

Jewish Pastries To Master

 As you’ll observe with any kosher tour, Jewish cuisine has a long and complex history that varies from region to region, country to country, and continent to continent. One important aspect of Jewish cuisine is the pastries, and different locations around the world each have their own special pastry connected to a long-held tradition.

Despite the varied nature of these delicacies, they are actually possible to recreate in your own home kitchen! 


An absolute classic among Jewish Americans, rugelach is delightfully buttery, flakey pastry filled with sweet jam, mostly fruit or chocolate. Traditionally linked to the Viennese pastry Kipfel, it was originally filled with nuts and/or seed paste when it was originally created in Poland. Today, lots of different spins on it are popular especially during the holiday season, with flavors varying from cinnamon, apricot preserves, and even seasonal products like cherry.


Known to originate in Israel, Hamantaschen is another dried fruit and/or sweet jam-filled treat that is typically enjoyed on the Jewish holiday known as Purim, which is significant in marking the  Persian Jewish population escaping genocide. Again, similar to Rugelach, it is typically filled with seed paste, particularly Poppy seed paste. Today, it is widely enjoyed as a special cookie that’s well known to be named after the historical character of Haman, owing to his three-cornered hat.


Babkas are a widely enjoyed rich and eggy bread that’s often cited as originating from Eastern Europe, namely Ukraine, although the name “babka” literally translates to “grandma” in Polish. A popular bakery choice along with cinnamon buns, Babkas are often chocolate-filled, although it’s common to find experimental recipes opting for fillings like Speculoos and Nutella to suit the more modern palate.

Matzo Cake

Matzo cake is another well-loved dessert among Jewish families, especially popular during Passover as it consists of several layers of flat bread free of any leavening agents. It is also well-known to be a dessert that’s easy to make, since you’ll simply be layering the matzo. These days, many recipe developers add sophisticated elements such as dark chocolate and kosher wine to bring this old-school favorite to new heights.

While European kosher travel is still out of the question for most of us, there is still so much you can do to further explore your culinary heritage at home! Try out these fantastic dessert recipes and enjoy the wonderful world of Jewish pastries.

The Splendor of Kosher River Boating in the Caribbean

Embark on a wondrous and exclusive Jewish travel expedition with Kosher River Cruises as we set sail into the azure embrace of the Caribbea...