Sustainable Travel

Make your trip leave a mark on you, not the other way around. Seldom do companies promote sustainable travel because it doesn't compliment their advocacies or it makes their liner seem much less luxurious. But Kosher River Cruises, on the other hand, encourages sustainable travel for their guests.

Tourism has both positive and negative impacts on a country. The positive obviously being that it generates income for a country, as there is a market dedicated to pleasing the tourist demographic. And the negative impact, which not many people take notice of, is the waste products generated by these same tourists. When out of the country tourists tend to opt for disposable material for the sake of convenience, and they more often than not end up as litter.

In line with the pursuit of sustainable travel, here are a few things you can do to make your journey eco-friendly:

Bring a collapsible tumbler when you're out

One of the highlights of being on Kosher Cruises are the tour excursions they offer. That means endless hours of walking and exploring new cities. Instead of buying bottled water at every port you dock at, make an effort to pack a collapsible tumbler in your bag before you leave. You can easily refill them with water and ice before you leave the boat and when you come back.

Use a microfiber towel instead of tissues

If you were on the Amazon River Cruise, you'd know that part of the tour excursion is a whole lot of hiking. Instead of bringing tissues with you to wipe the sweat on your forehead or water on your hands, use a microfiber towel. It's highly absorbent, quick to dry, and it's reusable.

If you can walk, then walk.

The best way to explore a new city is to walk through it. Forget about taking a cab if your destination is just two kilometers away. Imagine what you'd be able to see and find within those two kilometers of walking.

Support local merchants

Shopping is a big part of the travel experience for many people, but what's the use if you're purchasing from a brand that mass produces in another country that you could easily buy anywhere else in the world? Look around for the local merchants, artists, restaurants for a more authentic and sustainable tourism option. During the Jewish tours you'll be brought to the hidden gems of the city, so either support local or don't shop.

Being sustainable doesn't just apply to the home, practice sustainable travel and set out to be a responsible global citizen with Kosher River Cruises.

Are Souvenirs A Necessary Take Home

A big chunk of our suitcase space is taken up by the souvenirs we buy on the trip. On a journey like a river cruise, you will be docking at many ports in different cities every day for the next nine to fourteen days of your cruise, which means you'll encounter hundreds of gift shops in every town, shopping center, and alleyway that you walk through.

But are all these trinkets necessary for a meaningful journey down a river?

Avoid things like keychains and monument replicas

Tiny trinkets like models of the Eiffel tower or fridge magnets are the least authentic possible type of souvenir that you can bring home. The odds are that these replicas were mass produced in some country other than that of which you were visiting, imported into the said country, and sold as their own. The worst part is that they're overpriced! If you want, you can find other these trinkets online for about a fraction of the price. But if you want a totem to make your travels significant, look for a street vendor who handcrafted a version of what you see at the gift shop.

It's worth the splurge to buy something meaningful

Suppose you were to go on one of kosher river cruises Europe tours, you should know that Europe is full of street artists who can paint you or any photo you give them on the spot. That is a souvenir worth splurging for. You won't remember walking into a gift shop and filling your basket with all the mementos you can find. What you will remember is awkwardly sitting in the middle of the street posing for a portrait. At the moment it won't feel so good, but it's something you look back at and laugh.

Take plenty of photos and buy a bottle of perfume

You may have heard this before 'take photos, leave nothing.' Souvenirs aren't just meant for the people who didn't go on vacation; you need to bring something back for yourself too. Your memory is altered by time, but pictures stay the same. As for the bottle of perfume, smell is the strongest sense. It has the power to bring you back in time and relive a moment. You could be on kosherica or KRC, just be sure to remember us and your journey.

Buy chocolate, lots of it

Let's face it; there's only one thing that people ask for, and it is to 'bring home chocolate!' Anywhere you go in the world; there's some form of chocolate that the locals enjoy. Chocolate is the only thing worth going over baggage for. So bring as much as you can because there's no doubt that everyone at home (and you) will enjoy this sweet treat.

Aside from thinking of what to buy and how much you can bring home, think of being a smart buyer instead. Remember to practice sustainable shopping when you're on the hunt for souvenirs.

The Splendor of Kosher River Boating in the Caribbean

Embark on a wondrous and exclusive Jewish travel expedition with Kosher River Cruises as we set sail into the azure embrace of the Caribbea...